среда, 26 июня 2013 г.

Transit Operator at Bellingham

LUMMI NATION TRANSIT OPERATOR - Planning Dept. CLOSING: Continuously Open JOB SUMMARY: The Lummi Indian Business Council (LIBC) seeks an On-Call Transit Operator to work variable hours for the Lummi Transit Program. Lummi Transit provides fixed route public transportation service to the general public on the Lummi Reservation and to the City of Ferndale. Position requires a valid Washington State Drivers License, Washington State Commercial Drivers License Class C or higher with Passenger (P) Endorsement, and DOT Medical Certificate. Must pass background and insurance clearance. Excellent customer service skills required. Position available immediately. Salary: $15/hr starting. Application can be found at http://tiny.cc/d5g8aw For more information please contact Human Resources at 312-2023. "Working together as one to Preserve, Promote, and Protect our Sche Lang en"

Source - Bellingham Herald  RequirementsPlease refer to the Job Description to view the requirements for this job
Country: USA, State: Washington, City: Bellingham, Company: Lummi Nation Planning Department.

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